Package 'paramix'

Title: Aggregate and Disaggregate Continuous Parameters for Compartmental Models
Description: A convenient framework for aggregating and disaggregating continuously varying parameters (for example, case fatality ratio, with age) for proper parametrization of lower-resolution compartmental models (for example, with broad age categories) and subsequent upscaling of model outputs to high resolution (for example, as needed when calculating age-sensitive measures like years-life-lost).
Authors: Carl Pearson [aut, cre] , Simon Proctor [aut] , Lucy Goodfellow [aut]
Maintainer: Carl Pearson <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-01-09 05:41:29 UTC

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Create the Blending and Distilling Object


Create the Blending and Distilling Object


  pars_interp_opts = interpolate_opts(fun = stats::splinefun, kind = "point", method =
  pop_interp_opts = interpolate_opts(fun = stats::approxfun, kind = "integral", method =
    "constant", yleft = 0, yright = 0)



a function, f(x) which transforms the feature (e.g. age), to yield the parameter values. Alternatively, a data.frame where the first column is the feature and the second is the parameter; see xy.coords() for details. If the latter, combined with pars_interp_opts, and defaulting to spline interpolation.


like f_param, either a density function (though it does not have to integrate to 1 like a pdf) or a data.frame of values. If the latter, it is treated as a series of populations within intervals, and then interpolated with pop_interp_opts to create a density function.


a numeric vector of cut points, which define the partitioning that will be used in the model


the partition of the underlying feature


a list, minimally with an element fun, corresponding to an interpolation function. Defaults to splinefun() "natural" interpolation.


ibid, but for density. Defaults to approxfun() "constant" interpolation.


a data.table with columns model_partition, output_partition, weight and relpop. The first two columns identify partition lower bounds, for both the model and output, the other values are associated with; the combination of model_partition and output_partition forms a unique identifier, but individually they may appear multiple times. Generally, this object is only useful as an input to the blend() and distill() tools.


ifr_levin <- function(age_in_years) {
  (10^(-3.27 + 0.0524 * age_in_years))/100
age_limits <- c(seq(0, 69, by = 5), 70, 80, 101)
age_pyramid <- data.frame(
  from = 0:101, weight = ifelse(0:101 < 65, 1, .99^(0:101-64))
age_pyramid$weight[102] <- 0
# flat age distribution, then 1% annual deaths, no one lives past 101
ifr_alembic <- alembic(ifr_levin, age_pyramid, age_limits, 0:101)

Blend Parameters


blend extracts aggregate parameters from an alembic object.





an alembic() return value


a data.table of with two columns: model_partition (partition lower bounds) and value (parameter values for those partitions)


ifr_levin <- function(age_in_years) {
  (10^(-3.27 + 0.0524 * age_in_years))/100

age_limits <- c(seq(0, 69, by = 5), 70, 80, 101)
age_pyramid <- data.frame(
  from = 0:101, weight = ifelse(0:101 < 65, 1, .99^(0:101-64))
age_pyramid$weight[102] <- 0
# flat age distribution, then 1% annual deaths, no one lives past 101

alembic_dt <- alembic(ifr_levin, age_pyramid, age_limits, 0:101)

ifr_blend <- blend(alembic_dt)
# the actual function
  60:100, ifr_levin(60:100),
  xlab = "age (years)", ylab = "IFR", type = "l"
# the properly aggregated blocks
  age_limits, c(ifr_blend$value, tail(ifr_blend$value, 1)),
  type = "s", col = "dodgerblue"
# naively aggregated blocks
ifr_naive <- ifr_levin(head(age_limits, -1) + diff(age_limits)/2)
  age_limits, c(ifr_naive, tail(ifr_naive, 1)),
  type = "s", col = "firebrick"
# properly aggregated, but not accounting for age distribution
bad_alembic_dt <- alembic(
  within(age_pyramid, weight <- c(rep(1, 101), 0)), age_limits, 0:101
ifr_unif <- blend(bad_alembic_dt)
  age_limits, c(ifr_unif$value, tail(ifr_unif$value, 1)),
  type = "s", col = "darkgreen"

Distill Outcomes


distill takes a low-age resolution outcome, for example deaths, and proportionally distributes that outcome into a higher age resolution for use in subsequent analyses like years-life-lost style calculations.


distill(alembic_dt, outcomes_dt, groupcol = names(outcomes_dt)[1])



an alembic() return value


a long-format data.frame with a column either named from or model_from and a column value (other columns will be silently ignored)


a string, the name of the outcome model group column. The outcomes_dt[[groupcol]] column must match the model_partition lower bounds, as provided when constructing the alembic_dt with alembic().


When the value column is re-calculated, note that it will aggregate all rows with matching groupcol entries in outcomes_dt. If you need to group by other features in your input data (e.g. if you need to distill outcomes across multiple simulation outputs or at multiple time points), that has to be done by external grouping then calling distill().


a data.frame, with output_partition and recalculated value column


ifr_levin <- function(age_in_years) {
  (10^(-3.27 + 0.0524 * age_in_years))/100

age_limits <- c(seq(0, 69, by = 5), 70, 80, 101)
age_pyramid <- data.frame(
  from = 0:101, weight = ifelse(0:101 < 65, 1, .99^(0:101-64))
age_pyramid$weight[102] <- 0
# flat age distribution, then 1% annual deaths, no one lives past 101

alembic_dt <- alembic(ifr_levin, age_pyramid, age_limits, 0:101)

results <- data.frame(model_partition = head(age_limits, -1))
results$value <- 10
distill(alembic_dt, results)

Distillation Calculation Comparison Summary


Implements several approaches to imputing higher resolution outcomes, then tables them up for convenient plotting.


distill_summary(alembic_dt, outcomes_dt, groupcol = names(outcomes_dt)[1])



an alembic() return value


a long-format data.frame with a column either named from or model_from and a column value (other columns will be silently ignored)


a string, the name of the outcome model group column. The outcomes_dt[[groupcol]] column must match the model_partition lower bounds, as provided when constructing the alembic_dt with alembic().


a data.table, columns:

  • partition, the feature point corresponding to the value

  • value, the translated outcomes_dt$value

  • method, a factor with levels indicating how feature points are selected, and how value is weighted to those features:

    • f_mid: features at the alembic_dt outcome partitions, each with value corresponding to the total value of the corresponding model partition, divided by the number of outcome partitions in that model partition

    • f_mean: the features at the model partition means

    • mean_f: the features distributed according to the relative density in the outcome partitions

    • wm_f: the alembic() approach


f_param <- function(age_in_years) {
  (10^(-3.27 + 0.0524 * age_in_years))/100

model_partition <- c(0, 5, 20, 65, 101)
density_dt <- data.table(
  from = 0:101, weight = c(rep(1, 66), exp(-0.075 * 1:35), 0)
alembic_dt <- alembic(
  f_param, density_dt, model_partition, seq(0, 101, by = 1L)

# for simplicity, assume a uniform force-of-infection across ages =>
# infections proportion to population density.
model_outcomes_dt <- density_dt[from != max(from), .(value = sum(f_param(from) * weight)),
  by = .(model_from = model_partition[findInterval(from, model_partition)])

ds_dt <- distill_summary(alembic_dt, model_outcomes_dt)

Interpolation Options


Creates and interpolation options object for use with alembic().


interpolate_opts(fun, kind = c("point", "integral"), ...)



a function


a string; either "point" or "integral". How to interpret the x, y values being interpolated. Either as point observations of a function OR as the integral of the function over the interval.


arbitrary other arguments, but checked against signature of fun


This method creates the interpolation object for use with alembic(); this is a convenience method, which does basic validation on arguments and ensures the information used in alembic() to do interpolation is available.

The ... arguments will be provided to fun when it is invoked to interpolate the tabular "functional" form of arguments to alembic(). If fun has an argument kind, that parameter will also be passed when invoking the function; if not, then the input data will be transformed to {x,z}\{x, z\} pairs, such that xi+1xizi=yix_{i+1}-x_{i} * z_i = y_i - i.e., transforming to a point value and a functional form which is assumed constant until the next partition.


a list, with fun and kind keys, as well as whatever other valid keys appear in ....


  fun = stats::splinefun, method = "natural", kind = "point"
  fun = stats::approxfun, method = "constant", yleft = 0, yright = 0,
  kind = "integral"

Parameter Calculation Comparison Summary


Implements several approaches to computing partition-aggregated parameters, then tables them up for convenient plotting.


parameter_summary(f_param, f_pop, model_partition, resolution = 101L)



a function, f(x) which transforms the feature (e.g. age), to yield the parameter values. Alternatively, a data.frame where the first column is the feature and the second is the parameter; see xy.coords() for details. If the latter, combined with pars_interp_opts, and defaulting to spline interpolation.


like f_param, either a density function (though it does not have to integrate to 1 like a pdf) or a data.frame of values. If the latter, it is treated as a series of populations within intervals, and then interpolated with pop_interp_opts to create a density function.


a numeric vector of cut points, which define the partitioning that will be used in the model


the number of points to calculate for the underlying f_param function. The default 101 points means 100 partitions.


a data.table, columns:

  • model_category, a integer corresponding to which of the intervals of model_partition the x value is in

  • x, a numeric series from the first to last elements of model_partition with length resolution

  • method, a factor with levels:

    • f_val: f_param(x)

    • f_mid: f_param(x_mid), where x_mid is the midpoint x of the model_category

    • f_mean: f_param(weighted.mean(x, w)), where w defined by densities and model_category

    • mean_f: weighted.mean(f_param(x), w), same as previous

    • wm_f: the result as if having used paramix::blend(); this should be very similar to mean_f, though will be slightly different since blend uses integrate()


# COVID IFR from Levin et al 2020
f_param <- function(age_in_years) {
  (10^(-3.27 + 0.0524 * age_in_years))/100

densities <- data.frame(
  from = 0:101,
  weight = c(rep(1, 66), exp(-0.075 * 1:35), 0)

model_partition <- c(0, 5, 20, 65, 101)

ps_dt <- parameter_summary(f_param, densities, model_partition)

ggplot(ps_dt) + aes(x, y = value, color = method) +
  geom_line(data = \(dt) subset(dt, method == "f_val")) +
  geom_step(data = \(dt) subset(dt, method != "f_val")) +
  theme_bw() + theme(
    legend.position = "inside", legend.position.inside = c(0.05, 0.95),
    legend.justification = c(0, 1)
  ) + scale_color_discrete(
    "Method", labels = c(
      f_val = "f(x)", f_mid = "f(mid(x))", f_mean = "f(E[x])",
      mean_f = "discrete E[f(x)]", wm_f = "integrated E[f(x)]"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous("Age", breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) +
  scale_y_log10("IFR", breaks = 10^c(-6, -4, -2, 0), limits = 10^c(-6, 0))